Simon Findlay
Massage Therapist
"The two types of massage I do are sports/deep tissue and relaxation/classical.
I have been working as a massage therapist since 2014, in gyms, spas and as a freelancer. I studied Remedial Massage and Relaxation Massage in Australia.
I have a Bachelor of Science, and a Grad Dip in Psychology."
Yoga Instructor
"I teach Dynamic Mindfulness Yoga, a contemporary and non-dogmatic yoga, which combines functional movements in Vinyasa style with Buddhist wisdom.
I teach accessible classes that focus more on the transition from asana to asana than the poses themselves. Through waves, spirals and bouncing, I offer participants the opportunity to re-discover their way of moving and lead them to a deep relaxation of body and mind.
I invite you to move with curiosity and playfulness, to observe and to embody what feels good for you in the present moment."
If you want to know more about my practice, find me @peacefulmountainyoga
Su Darshana
"Mein Ziel ist es, dich mit dir selbst und im Hier und Jetzt zu verbinden. Bist du bei dir, bist du gelassen und tiefenentspannt. Um dies zu erreichen, biete ich dir traditionelle Yoga-Meditationen sowie individuelle Energie Vitalisierungen (energy healing).
Für mehr Informationen besuche meine Homepage
oder schreib mir direkt eine e-Mail an
Ich freue mich auf unsere Begegnung."
Agiapal Kaur
"Erlebe das volle Klangspektrum des alten schamanistischen Instruments.
Komm mit auf eine Reise zu Dir selbst,
zu mehr Licht und mehr Lebensfreude und tiefer Entspannung.
Lass das Alte hinter Dir und sei offen für das Neue!"
Yoga Instructor & Mindfulness Coach
English and Turkish
"I’m a seeker and I’m happy to have discovered my body as an instrument to loo k into my “truth”.
Besides my Hatha Yoga training within the Advaita school and mindfulness, my interest in Sufism and Buddhism as life philosophies and Axis Syllabus and bio-mechanics as tool kits to understand the body, shape my yoga/body research classes. After more than 10 years of yoga and meditation practice, I’ve become a mindfulness coach and also holding coaching sessions and recently committed to a 3 years NeuroSystemics training to become a therapist.
I’m looking forward to share this cozy raum 5 space with you! :)"
Don’t hesitate to get in touch for any question:
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